💡REF33XX:Reference Voltage Source


🧲REf33xx is a precision reference voltage integrated circuit (IC) that provides a stable and accurate reference voltage for a variety of applications. It is a low differential pressure (LDO) design that operates with minimal power consumption and high accuracy。

  • 🏮Reference Voltage: REf33xx produces a stable and accurate output reference voltage. It is available at different voltage options such as 1.2V, 1.8V, 2.5V, and others. The output voltage is very accurate and has low temperature coefficient and long-term stability。
  • 🏮Low differential: REF33XX's LDO architecture allows it to operate at low differential voltages, typically around 110 mv or less. This means that it can regulate a stable output voltage, even when the input voltage is slightly below the desired output. This feature is useful when dealing with low-input voltage sources。
  • 🏮Low static current: the REF33xx is designed to run with minimal power consumption. It has a low static current, usually in the microampere range, which helps minimize power consumption and maximize battery life for portable or low power applications。
  • 🏮Wide operating temperature range: this reference voltage integrated circuit can operate in a wide temperature range, usually from -40 ° C to 125 ° C. This makes it suitable for a variety of industries, automobiles, and other challenging environments。
  • 🏮High accuracy and stability: the REF33XX provides high accuracy and stability over time and temperature. It provides low initial accuracy tolerances and low temperature coefficients to ensure consistent and accurate output voltages under different operating conditions。
  • 🏮Small package: the REF33xx has a variety of compact and space-saving package options, such as the SOT-23 and Sc-70, making it suitable for compact circuit design and surface mount applications用。

REF33xx:reference voltage source

  • 🏮Reference voltage core: the core of REf33xx is the reference voltage core, which is responsible for producing a stable and accurate output voltage. This core typically consists of a precision Bandgap voltage reference circuit that operates based on the temperature dependence of the semiconductor junction voltage. The reference voltage core ensures that the output voltage is consistent and accurate with changes in temperature and other operating conditions。
  • 🏮Error amplifier: an error amplifier is a key component of the REF33xx that compares the output feedback voltage with the reference voltage generated by the reference voltage core. It detects any deviation between the two voltages and amplifies the error signal accordingly. The error amplifier helps maintain the required level of accuracy by providing feedback and control to adjust the output voltage.
  • 🏮Feedback Loop: REF33XX's feedback loop consists of a variety of passive components, including resistors and capacitors for stabilizing and controlling the reference voltage output. These components are usually connected between the output of the error amplifier and the inverted input to create a feedback network. The values of these components are carefully selected to ensure stability, reduce noise, and provide accurate output voltage regulation。


🧲Bipolar single-ended supply to difference:G=0.1

🏮For U 3 precision OP amp:

  • 💭Gustav Kirchhoff's law of electric current:
  • 💭virtual short:
  • 💭KCL:
  • 💭among:

 🏮 For differential output:

🏮 For R6, C5 low-pass filter: